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 E-Mail Services

Premium E-Mail Filtering

MX Verify, Redundancy, Total Spam & Virus Management, with Acceptable Use Policy Enforcement.

ODDS® Premium Email Filtering is a “full pass” email filtering solution that verifies email sent From: “anyone” To: “someone”  passes a check that the To: “someone” is a real user, if so… it is cleaned for virus and spam and any phishing threats found are then quarantined.   Only the verified user email that is clean it is delivered on to the user’s email server for delivery to their inbox. 

ODDS® not only uses the Award winning Vircom software as a “full pass” malware threat solution, the service also includes custom script filtering for creating objectionable word lists or intellectual property definitions which will quarantine email violating any scripted acceptable use policies.

As  an inbound & optional outbound outsource email hygiene & content solution for that; is a cost effective alternative to in-house email filtering solutions or a highly competitive replacement to any incumbent outsource service.

PEF Data Sheet

Compared to internal solutions, ODDS® can save you 60% to 90% in email processing loads,  reduce email bandwidth expenses, and lower the manpower resources currently tasked with email filtering management, software configuration and maintenance. Our competitors consistently do not provide free spooling for disaster recovery, nor do they offer free custom labeling, affordable outbound services, accurate Real Time Billing, or monthly working agreement - all of which are core ESS service offerings.

 Email is mission critical to all businesses, which is why all of our services ALWAYS INCLUDE EMERGENCY 24X7 SUPPORT. We're here to guarantee service to you - so let ODDS® stop spam, viruses & inappropriate content from outside your network.  Save time and financial resources.   Be confident with our ironclad service guarantees and take charge of your acceptable corporate email usage policies through one source, managed by us, for you.

To contact us and set up a Free 30 Day Trial please call us at 866-660-422 or you can email us odds@emailsorting.com


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